
An angel guided session is always full of wisdom and guidance for you. If you do have specific questions or just want to know where to go - this session will get you some answers.  As a certified Angel Guide (by HayHouse/Kyle Gray) and a listed practioner on Kyle Gray's website, I have learnt how to create a sacred space to get in contact with the angelic realm and your soul.


How do you get a reading and what do I need to know from you?

You can book a reading further down on this page. The session will be held over Zoom. The Zoomlink will be sent out about half an our before the scheduled session. I only need to know your full name. If you have a specific question, you can bring this one forward as well. I will be guided to choose the right spread of cards for you and transfer all the information to you. During our Zoomcall you will see the cards and you are able to ask questions as well.


How long do you have to wait for a session?

I will schedule your reading as soon as I get the information that your money has arrived. I will then let you know when your reading will be scheduled. Normally I do reading during office hours in germany which is between 9am and 2pm MEZ. Please ask me about scheduling if this time doesn´t fit your timezone. At the moment you have to wait about 2 weeks for an appointment with me.


How do you pay?

Your investment would be 111 Euros. You can pay with Paypal. The information will be sent to you by email.


Can I do a reading for another person than yourself?

I don't do readings for another person than yourself. And I don't do readings for kids under the age of 18 years.


If you are ready and you can get in contact with me here.


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